Implementation science to improve healthcare

Our team, led by Dr. Guillaume Fontaine at McGill University, is working on improving healthcare delivery and outcomes through rigorous implementation research. 


Leveraging implementation science to improve the quality and equity of healthcare

The RISE³ LAB conducts quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods implementation research to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes. By focusing on the integration of evidence-based practices into real-world settings, the lab aims to ultimately improve the quality and equity of healthcare and enhance health outcomes. Our research spans a number of clinical areas, including infectious diseases, cancer care, and mental health care.


Dr. Guillaume Fontaine, RN, PhD

Dr. Fontaine is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Implementation Science in the Ingram School of Nursing at McGill University, and a Principal Investigator at the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology of the Lady Davis Institute. He holds a FRQS Junior 1 Research Scholar Award. He is the National Co-Lead of Implementation Science in the CIHR Canadian Network on Hepatitis C (CanHepC), and the National Co-Lead of Methods in the CIHR Canadian HIV and STBBIs Clinical Trials Research Network (CTN+). 


Read more about our work

Sergerie-Richard S, Goulet MH, Dumais A, Hinse C, Fontaine G. De-implementation to reduce coercive practices in mental health care. Lancet Psychiatry. 2024 Jul;11(7):498-499. doi:

Fontaine G, Presseau J, Bruneau J, Etherington C, Thomas IM, Hung JC, van Allen Z, Patey AM, Kareem A, Mortazhejri S, Høj SB, Boyer-Legault G, Grimshaw JM. Using an intersectionality lens to explore barriers and enablers to hepatitis C point-of-care testing: a qualitative study among people who inject drugs and service providers. Int J Equity Health. 2024 Jun 17;23(1):124. doi:

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