Sergerie-Richard S, Goulet MH, Dumais A, Hinse C, Fontaine G. De-implementation to reduce coercive practices in mental health care. Lancet Psychiatry. 2024 Jul;11(7):498-499. doi:
Our team, led by Dr. Guillaume Fontaine at McGill University, is working on improving healthcare delivery and outcomes through rigorous implementation research.
The RISE³ LAB conducts quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods implementation research to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes. By focusing on the integration of evidence-based practices into real-world settings, the lab aims to ultimately improve the quality and equity of healthcare and enhance health outcomes. Our research spans a number of clinical areas, including infectious diseases, cancer care, and mental health care.
Dr. Fontaine is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Implementation Science in the Ingram School of Nursing at McGill University, and a Principal Investigator at the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology of the Lady Davis Institute. He holds a FRQS Junior 1 Research Scholar Award. He is the National Co-Lead of Implementation Science in the CIHR Canadian Network on Hepatitis C (CanHepC), and the National Co-Lead of Methods in the CIHR Canadian HIV and STBBIs Clinical Trials Research Network (CTN+).
Sergerie-Richard S, Goulet MH, Dumais A, Hinse C, Fontaine G. De-implementation to reduce coercive practices in mental health care. Lancet Psychiatry. 2024 Jul;11(7):498-499. doi:
Fontaine G, Presseau J, Bruneau J, Etherington C, Thomas IM, Hung JC, van Allen Z, Patey AM, Kareem A, Mortazhejri S, Høj SB, Boyer-Legault G, Grimshaw JM. Using an intersectionality lens to explore barriers and enablers to hepatitis C point-of-care testing: a qualitative study among people who inject drugs and service providers. Int J Equity Health. 2024 Jun 17;23(1):124. doi:
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